Biswabrata Goswami
KRISHNAGAR, 12 NOV: The Krishnagar police administration has finally assured that they would allow immersion procession of Jagaddhatri idols with ‘Saang’ on the shoulders of bearers of the puja committees or baroaris who would follow the restrictions imposed for Covid-19 protocol.
Ishani Paul, SP, Krishnagar Police District said, “Keeping the High Court’s order in mind, we have formulated some guidelines regarding the immersion procession of Jagaddhatri idols. The entire immersion process will be symbolic with limited ‘version’. The puja committees who sought to carry idols with ‘Saang’ on the shoulders of bearers will have to apply before us within 6 pm today and they will have to abide by all guidelines formulated for the immersion procession. So, there is no bar to conduct a traditional ‘Saang’ procession if puja committees follow the guidelines.”
The Kotwali police have already sent the guideline to all the puja committees asking them to appeal before the police if they wish to conduct an immersion procession with ‘Saang’.
As per the guideline, some of the restrictions which include the total number of persons in the procession including the bearers, organizers, volunteers and Dhakis should not cross 50. No lighting arrangements should accompany such a procession. DJ and Band or other sound systems other than dhak will also remain prohibited with such a procession. Such a procession must move to Kadamtala Ghat through the shortest route for immersion.
At the end of the guideline, it has mentioned that all the applications must attach or undertake that the organisers shall comply with all the restrictions.
Meanwhile, puja committees and Krishnagar people who raised voice against the ban on the ‘Saang’ procession were seen jubilant. Some of the youths who were involved in a series of mass protests on 9 November said that their agitation and protest have finally succeeded as the police have assured that they would allow ‘Saang’ procession.
They have also demanded that the police should abstain from arresting the youths involved in the agitation and release the arrested youths.
“When the police and administration are allowing the ‘Saang’ procession then why a few youths who were triggered by emotion led a spontaneous mass protest to keep the legacy of Krishnagar Jagaddhatri Puja will be kept in jail. These innocent youths will be in jail during puja festivities while some political leaders of ruling parties who behaved dubious roles and instigated them to organise an apolitical mass movement against the police administration will enjoy the puja,” said a lawyer on condition of anonymity.
According to Kotwali police, a total of 188 Jagaddhatri pujas are being conducted in Krishnagar and it has not been ascertained till this report is written that how many puja committees have appealed before the police for the permission of ‘Saang’ procession.
Tags: #KrishnagarJagaddhatriPuja #Saang #Immersion