Hummingbird News Desk
NEW DELHI, 7 APRIL: Prasar Bharati Part Time Correspondents Union has filed a petition in the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT), Delhi against Prasar Bharati. The claims in the petition filed by the union include that Prasar Bharati while conferring the title of part time correspondents on the correspondents appointed by them is actually taking full time work from the part time correspondents, said Ajay Tejpal, union’s advocate.
Prasar Bharati is also using the part time correspondents as full time district correspondents. It is also claimed in the petition filed by the union that the salary paid to the part time correspondents is a breach of equal pay for equal work. It is contended by the union that the representation dated 27 February, 2020 submitted to Prasar Bharati has not been responded, Mr Tejpal said.
On 31 March, 2021, the CAT, Delhi heard this matter and at the time of hearing Prasar Bharati opposed the petition of the union. “But after hearing arguments advanced from behalf of the union, the CAT found that the matter requires serious consideration and was pleased to issue notice to Prasar Bharati. The CAT also directed to Prasar Bharati to file their reply. Next date of hearing has been fixed for 1 June, 2021,” said Mr Tejpal.