Chapra police officer shunted in police line, ‘accused’ gets bail from CJM court

Chapra police officer shunted in police line, ‘accused’ gets bail from CJM court

Biswabrata Goswami

KRISHNAGAR, 26 SEP: The Chief Judicial Magistrate court in Krishnagar today granted bail to one Saddam Halsana whom the Chapra police had arrested in connection with a theft case. The Chapra police today produced him before the CJM-in-charge Pragyamita Sen Sarkar and the magistrate on hearing pleas granted bail to him, said Biswadeb Tamta, a defence lawyer.

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Mr Tamta also said Saddam had recently filed a writ petition in the Calcutta High Court against Chandan Saha, Sub-Inspector at Chapra police station for illegally demanding bribe from him and his family members. Saha who demanded money from the family members of the suspected criminal named Dabir Halsana, promised not to take further action and to resolve the cases lodged against him.

Saha also threatened the family members and Saddam, brother of Dabir Halsana on dire consequences if they failed to pay the bribe on time.

After filing the writ petition in the High Court, Saha arrested Saddam from Srinagar More on Thursday and initiated a theft case against him. Today, after studying the documents, the magistrate, Ms Sarkar granted bail to him on registered bond.

Meanwhile, sources said Ishani Paul, Superintendent of Police, Krishnagar Police District has ordered Saha to be closed in the police line for his dereliction of duty.

Tags: #CJM #Chapra #Closeinpoliceline #Bribe

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