Govt ramps up availability of Amphotericin B to fight post COVID complication of Mucormycosis

Govt ramps up availability of Amphotericin B to fight post COVID complication of Mucormycosis

Hummingbird News Desk

NEW DELHI, 12 MAY: The Central government has taken steps to ramp up availability of Amphotericin B – to fight Mucormycosis. A sudden increase in demand has been observed in some states for Amphotericin B which is being actively prescribed by the physicians to patients suffering from Mucormycosis, a post COVID complication.

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The Government of India is therefore engaging with the manufacturers to ramp up production of the drug. The supply position is expected to improve with extra imports of this drug and increase in its production domestically, said ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers.

Even as a deadly second wave of Covid-19 ravages India, doctors are now reporting a rash of cases involving a rare infection – also called the “black fungus” or Mucormycosis – among recovering and recovered Covid-19 patients.

Mucormycosis is a very rare infection. It is caused by exposure to mucor mould which is commonly found in soil, plants, manure, and decaying fruits and vegetables. It is ubiquitous and found in soil and air and even in the nose and mucus of healthy people.

After reviewing the stock position with the manufacturers/importers, and the demand pattern of Amphotericin B, the Department of Pharma has on 11 May allocated this drug amongst the States/UTs based on expected supply that will be available from 10 May to 31 May.

States have been requested to put in place a mechanism for equitable distribution of supplies amongst government and private hospitals and health care agencies. States have also been requested to publicise in the state the ‘Point of Contact’ for private and government hospitals to obtain the drug from this allocation.

Further, states have been requested that judicious use may be made of the stock that has been already supplied as well as stock that has been allocated. The arrangements for supply will be monitored by National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority (NPPA), a release from ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers stated.

The release also mentioned that the country is going through a severe wave of pandemic and it has affected various parts of the country. The government of India is continuously working to augment the supply of essential Covid medicines and making them available to the state governments and UTs through an equitable and transparent manner.

Tags: #AmphotericinB #COVIDSecondWave #COVIDEmergency2021 #covidresources #COVID19India #CovidIndia #CovidHelp #Mucormycosis #Diabetes

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