Hummingbird News Desk
NEW DELHI, 22 NOV: The Centre has decided to grant a 60-day special maternity leave for women Central government employees in case of stillbirth or death of an infant within a few days of birth, an order by the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) said.
The DOPT said it had received several queries seeking clarification on grant of leave in case of death of a child soon after birth.
“The matter has been considered in consultation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Keeping in view the potential emotional trauma caused due to stillbirth or death of a child soon after birth, which has a far-reaching impact on the mother’s life, it has now been decided to grant a special maternity leave of 60 days to a female Central government servant,” the order said.
The decision will be applicable to all ministries, public sector undertakings and companies of the Central government.
Under this, the Railway Board has implemented the above rule in Indian Railways on 7 November, 2022. In a directive issued to all zonal railways, the Railway Board has said that 60 days of special maternity leave has been started for women employees in case of immediate death of a child after birth or stillbirth.These provisions are being adopted for railway employees.
The mothers need a break to deal with the trauma. If she (female employee) has already availed maternity leave and her leave continues till the date of death of the child immediately after the birth, the maternity leave availed earlier till the death of the child shall be carried forward to her without seeking any medical certificate. Leave of any other kind available in the leave account shall be converted.
And immediate death of the child after birth will be provided special maternity leave of 60 days from the date of delivery. The New Testament defines postnatal infant death as occurring up to 28 days after birth.
Tags: #SpecialMaternityLeaves #WomenCentralEmployees #DOPT